Week 4 Blog Forum

  1.  The item in the Code of Ethics section that I found most compelling was #6: "Editing should maintain the integrity of the photographic images' content and context. Do not manipulate images or add or alter sound in any way that can mislead viewers or misrepresent subjects." (Code of Ethics by NPPA). This one really stood out to me because of the common practice of using photoshop and etc. in public media to make subjects look "better" than they did originally.
  2. Under the section of "Ideally visual journalists should:", the one that caught my attention the most was #6: "Respect the integrity of the photographic moment." It's because it kind of goes along with item in the Code of Ethics I chose; don't change what's going on in the moment. Don't make something look like it is happening, when really, something different is actually happening.
  3. An example of manipulating images and what not would be some of the covers on popular magazines. All those models they are using are photoshopped in one way or another; it's not a true and accurate representation of that person. It's not true journalism.


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