Reading the first couple of chapters of Linsey Addaro's book, It's What I Do: A Photographer's Life of Love and War , is intense and intriguing. From the moment one reads the Prelude, it's easy to tell that the career that Linsey Addaro had chosen is a career that takes full dedication and courage to simply complete the task. Being a conflict photographer is a dangerous job, but reading the way that these dangers motivate her is charming. Her being there, in the moment, when war is happening, she is able to capture the fighting and document what's going on first-handedly. It truly is impressive. Throughout the book, she also mentions what she was always taught growing up; keep doing what you love and things will fall into place. That's obviously not the exact quote, but it summarizes the thought. This thought helped Linsey realize, after years of being indecisive, that she wanted to be a photojournalist.